At I Am A Rockstar we celebrate healing and transformation.  Our rockstars are survivors who have survived life’s challenges, survived painful emotions, and found hope and inspiration to heal along the way.  We recognize that we wouldn’t be who we are today without these challenging life experiences, and we have found our true strength and resiliency in overcoming them. 


Melissa Gittelman

About Melissa A little bit about me: I’m 29 years old and I work at a nonprofit food relief organization full time as a Volunteer and Development Coordinator. I have a Master’s


Manager Rockstar

About Me Hi I’m currently I am working as an office manager for an amazing Doctor. I’m working on my bachelors in Psychology and I started a small business. I have two


Melissa M

About Melissa I am 33 years old and I am a Clinical Psychologist working with mostly adolescents, though some children as well.  I am happily married with two amazing little boys who