Trauma Informed Care: What it is and How to Find It

These days, mental health organizations and individual practitioners are quick to throw around the term “trauma informed care” when touting the paradigms they use to treat victimized clients.

But I’m not sure that all providers and agencies really understand what “trauma informed care” means.

Certainly, many of them recognize the need to incorporate questions about the possibility

Happy New Year!

A big Happy New Year from your Rockstar Community!! Thank you for being here with us and inspiring healing and hope every day!

The start of a new year always brings to mind the idea of new beginnings. New beginnings feels like hope to me.

Together, let’s ask ourselves: In what ways will I start

Practicing Self Care Creatively

The holidays can be a trigger for those who have any unresolved trauma or grief. Having to see family can bring up all sorts of feelings, memories or sensations.

Also during the holidays, we can get overly busy and overcommit ourselves to too many things.

The path to self kindness is through pausing when unsure

Healing through Humor

Why are we so serious?

Maybe it’s just the area I live and work in here in the Midwest but people are so serious most of the time.  Why does therapy have to be so serious?  I remember that being a discussion in grad school that therapy is serious work.  In a way it makes sense. 

7 Tips to Heal Your Heartbreak

A bad break-up can trigger an immediate brain-mind-body cascade of emotions, body sensations, and thoughts. It’s a significant experience that can keep you stuck for years, decades, or a lifetime.

But that doesn’t have to be your experience. You don’t have to suffer the ongoing emotional effects of a breakup, which include panic, sadness, grief, depression,

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